Diagnostics of Mixed-State Topological Order and Breakdown of Quantum Memory

2024-05-29 09:18 155 浏览
Topological quantum memory can protect information against local errors up to finite error thresholds. Such thresholds are usually 
determined based on the success of decoding algorithms rather than the intrinsic properties of the mixed states describing corrupted 
memories. Here we provide an intrinsic characterization of the breakdown of topological quantum memory, which both gives a bound on the 
performance of decoding algorithms and provides examples of topologically distinct mixed states. We employ three information-theoretical 
quantities that can be regarded as generalizations of the diagnostics of ground-state topological order, and serve as a definition for 
topological order in error-corrupted mixed states. We consider the topological contribution to entanglement negativity and two other metrics 
based on quantum relative entropy and coherent information. In the concrete example of the two-dimensional (2D) Toric code with local 
bit-flip and phase errors, we map three quantities to observables in 2D classical spin models and analytically show they all undergo a 
transition at the same error threshold. This threshold is an upper bound on that achieved in any decoding algorithm and is indeed saturated 
by that in the optimal decoding algorithm for the Toric code.

Article: https://doi.org/10.1103/PRXQuantum.5.020343