Microwave Photon Detection at Parametric Criticality

2024-05-29 09:12 126 浏览
  The detection of microwave fields at single-photon power levels is a much-sought-after technology, with practical applications in 
nanoelectronics and quantum information science. Here we demonstrate a simple yet powerful criticality-enhanced method of microwave 
photon detection by operating a magnetic-field-tunable Kerr Josephson parametric amplifier at the border of a first-order phase transition 
and close to the critical point. We obtain an efficiency of 73% and a dark-count rate of 167 kHz, corresponding to a responsivity of 
1.3×1017W−1 and noise-equivalent power of 3.28 zW/⁢√Hz. We verify the single-photon operation by extracting the Poissonian statistics of a 
coherent probe signal.

Article: https://doi.org/10.1103/PRXQuantum.5.020342