Beyond the Buzz: Strategic Paths for Enabling Useful NISQ Applications

2024-05-28 22:01 101 浏览

  There is much debate on whether quantum computing on current NISQ devices, 

consisting of noisy hundred qubits and requiring a non-negligible usage of classical 

computing as part of the algorithms, has utility and will ever offer advantages for 

scientific and industrial applications with respect to traditional computing. In this 

position paper, we argue that while real-world NISQ quantum applications have yet to 

surpass their classical counterparts, strategic approaches can be used to facilitate 

advancements in both industrial and scientific applications. We have identified three 

key strategies to guide NISQ computing towards practical and useful implementations.

 Firstly, prioritizing the identification of a "killer app" is a key point. An application 

demonstrating the distinctive capabilities of NISQ devices can catalyze broader 

development. We suggest focusing on applications that are inherently quantum, e.g.,

 pointing towards quantum chemistry and material science as promising domains. 

These fields hold the potential to exhibit benefits, setting benchmarks for other 

applications to follow. Secondly, integrating AI and deep-learning methods into NISQ 

computing is a promising approach. Examples such as quantum Physics-Informed 

Neural Networks and Differentiable Quantum Circuits (DQC) demonstrate the synergy 

between quantum computing and AI. Lastly, recognizing the interdisciplinary nature 

of NISQ computing, we advocate for a co-design approach. Achieving synergy between

 classical and quantum computing necessitates an effort in co-designing quantum 

applications, algorithms, and programming environments, and the integration of HPC

 with quantum hardware. The interoperability of these components is crucial for 

enabling the full potential of NISQ computing. In conclusion, through the usage of

 these three approaches, we argue that NISQ computing can surpass current limitations

 and evolve into a valuable tool for scientific and industrial applications. This requires 

an approach that integrates domainspecific killer apps, harnesses the power of 

quantum-enhanced AI, and embraces a collaborative co-design methodology.



  Strategic pathways towards realizing apractical quantum advantage using NISQ devices

  In this position paper, we have outlined thestate-of-the art of NISQ devices, 

challenges, and their future prospects.Although it looks like a herculean task to build 

a full-fledged and faulttolerant quantum computer, we should not overlook the 

advancement that has beendone so far. From the initial idea formulated by Feynman 

in the 80's, Shor's algorithm forfactoring prime numbers with the superpolynomial 

speedup in the 90's, at present we haveworking quantum computers which have 

shown quantum supremacy and are availableto be remotely accessed by researchers 

for various experiments and furtherdevelopment . While the race towards fault 

tolerant quantum computingcontinues, we strongly advocate for parallel research 

towards practical quantumadvantages using NISQ devices. In this regard, particular 

effort needs to bededicated to singling out a killer application; such is likely to be 

presentwithin the field of quantum chemistry. These applications, which are seriously 

limited by the computational resources required to simulate them, can be theclass of 

problems that might benefit from NISQ era computers. Merging AI withquantum 

computing techniques is another viable path towards achieving practicalquantum 

advantage. While classical machine learning has already a plethora ofapplications, 

quantum machine learning techniques have the potential to yieldsubstantial 

optimization given their enhanced expressivity.

article: arXiv:2405.14561v1