Realization of high-fidelity perfect entangler betvveen remote superconducting quantum processors

2024-08-02 13:57 84 浏览
Building large-scale quantum computers from smaller modules offers a solution to many formidable scientific and engineering challenges. Nevertheless, engineering high-fidelity interconnects between modules remains challenging. In recent years, quantum state transfer (QST) has provided a way to establish entanglement between two separately packaged quantum devices. However, QST is not a unitary gate, thus cannot be directly inserted into a quantum circuit, which is widely used in recent quantum computation studies. Here we report a demonstration of a direct CNOT gate realized by the cross resonance (CR) effect between two remotely packaged quantum devices connected by a microwave cable. We achieve a CNOT gate with fidelity as high as 99.15 ± 0.02%. The quality of the CNOT gate is verified by cross-entropy benchmarking (XEB) and further confirmed by demonstrating Bell-inequality violation. This work provides a new method to realize remote two-qubit gates. Our method can be used not only to achieve distributed quantum computing but also to enrich the topology of superconducting quantum chips with jumper lines connecting distant qubits. This advancement gives superconducting qubits broader application prospects in the fields of quantum computing and quantum simulation.