Microwave-Optical Entanglement from Pulse-pumped Electro-optomechanics

2024-08-02 13:47 53 浏览
Entangling microwave and optical photons is one of the promising ways to realize quantum transduction through quantum teleportation. This paper investigates the entanglement of microwaveoptical photon pairs generated from an electro-optomechanical system driven by a blue-detuned pulsed Gaussian pump. The photon pairs are obtained through weak parametric-down-conversion, and their temporal correlation is revealed by the second-order correlation function. We then study the discrete variable entanglement encoded in the time bin degree of freedom, where entanglement is identified by Bell inequality violation. Furthermore, we estimate the laser-induced heating and show that the pulse-pumped system features lower heating effects while maintaining a reasonable coincidence photon counting rate.
