A promising strategy to protect quantum information from noise-induced errors is to encode it into
the low-energy states of a topological quantum memory device. However, readout errors from such
memory under realistic settings is less understood. We study the problem of decoding quantum
information encoded in the groundspaces of topological stabilizer Hamiltonians in the presence
of generic perturbations, such as quenched disorder. We first prove that the standard stabilizerbased error correction and decoding schemes work adequately well in such perturbed quantum
codes by showing that the decoding error diminishes exponentially in the distance of the underlying
unperturbed code. We then prove that Quantum Neural Network (QNN) decoders provide an almost
quadratic improvement on the readout error. Thus, we demonstrate provable advantage of using
QNNs for decoding realistic quantum error-correcting codes, and our result enables the exploration
of a wider range of non-stabilizer codes in the near-term laboratory settings.